Sunday morning breakfast

Hello Frappées !
Today let’s talk about Fööd..
I’d like to introduce you to a tradition that started as soon as my boyfriend and I settled into our new apartment.
This almost sacred tradition is of course breakfast, especially on Sunday mornings !
Those of you who already know me via Instagram are aware of my unreasonable love for good food – others will catch up pretty quickly with this article. So it won’t come as a surprise if I tell you that it didn’t take us long to get used to this morning ritual.
On Sundays, I try to wake up a little earlier than him to think about what I could cook for breakfast to kick-start a lazy Sunday the right way. Waffles, pancakes, crêpes, crazy brunches.. What better way to appetize you than a few pictures :
So, who wants to take a bite with us ?
See you very soon Frappées !